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Image of Nichola Pyrkos

My Name is Nichola Pyrkos,  I am a Transformational Life Coach & Mindfulness Facilitator, a Psychology and Social Work graduate,  a certified Transformational Life Coach, Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practitioner; and Senior Member of the Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists (ACCPH) register. 


My mission is to empower individuals to step into their power - to consciously create their lives, to let go of what they no longer need, and develop the resilience necessary to navigate life's inevitable difficulties and challenges.


I believe every person has the innate ability to shape their own destiny and make a positive contribution to this world; the work I deliver is the gateway to this experience. My coaching ethic is all about giving people dynamic tools (both conscious and unconscious) to manage and master the roller-coaster that is life. My style of coaching is all about empowerment and helping people get on track to creating a life they can love and be proud of. â€‹

Nichola Pyrkos - The Mindful Life Coach UK

"Where you are at the start of our work, is not where you are going to be once our work has ended".

My Story

"My need to understand and positively impact people's lives probably came from my own difficult childhood. Like many, I endured my fair share of challenges and family traumas which needed to be healed and transmuted. It is no accident I have walked the life path that I have, and that my life purpose is one of being of service to others... for that I am thankful.


As a Psychology and Social Work Graduate, I spent nearly 20 years supporting people of all ages and backgrounds in a variety of different settings including Mental Health, Criminal Justice, Children & Families Social Work and Early Intervention. I am skilled and experienced in identifying people's individual needs and adopting a solution-focused approach to help transform the lives of hundreds, if not thousands of families. Understanding people’s personal stories, helping them identify their goals and solutions, overcoming barriers, and building resilience have always been central themes in my professional practice. Over time I have come to realise that facilitating in the transformation of people’s lives is not only my passion and life purpose, but it has helped me understand and heal the wounds of my own past.


But my catalyst for self-mastery and personal evolution did not end with my Social Work career. Despite my education and expertise, having had my first child halfway through my Masters degree, it quickly became apparent that juggling parenthood, career, home, family, finances, self-care etc all as a single parent was not just left me feeling like a ghost of my former self. I became disconnected from who I was, the people around me, and finding little joy in my day-to-day life. There is no other way to say it...motherhood sucked!!  So in a bid to prevent burnout and a possible breakdown I enrolled on an 8-week Mindfulness course, which turned out to be the first major step to transforming my adult life!


My working within the Children’s Service for 18yrs was always motivated by the desire to protect the most vulnerable and to help families make a change for the better. And while there were elements of the work which were emotionally and even spiritually rewarding, organisational pressures made the working environment non-conducive to health and wellbeing. High workloads, lack of support, the impact of secondary trauma, and swimming against the tide of ever-shrinking budgets, all contributed to the creation of unmanageable levels of stress, fear anxiety, and over time burnout. No level of training or skilled supervision was every going to be able to change these factors, and so like thousands of other Social Care workers, I  went in search for tools and techniques which would empower anybody ready and willing to experience transformation. And by 2016 I left the safety and security of the Local Authority and set up my own company, Transforming Families Ltd, where I was commissioned by schools to complete Early Help assessments for vulnerable families and support them with safeguarding and promoting positive outcomes. 


The world of Mindfulness not only opened my eyes to a whole new way of working with clients; but also in how I relate to myself and interact with the world around me.  I have come to know that with regular meditation and mindfulness practice, we can tap into inner strength, resources and wisdom, bringing self-awareness and perspective into our often overwhelming lives, and it can help us attain the sense of balance we need and crave. I have spent the past 10 years developing my personal mindfulness practice. Coupled with my natural goal-orientated solution-focused approach, I have transformed my world, creating a life I love and am proud of - and this is what I teach people to do for themselves through my work. 


My quest for ongoing personal growth and self-mastery continued throughout the pandemic, and in 2021 I decided to take the plunge and dive head-first into the world of Life Coaching which I TRULY LOVE! I completed an accredited course in Transformational Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Emotional Freedom Technique, run by the multi award-winning CAM Coaching Company. Since then, I have worked with hundreds of amazing clients from all around the world (from Stevenage to Singapore, Dubai to Costa Rica) and I have developed a toolkit of over 100 powerful exercises and resources, plus theme-specific protocols, which can be used to fast-track change and transformation in any aspect of life.


Today in 2024, I predominantly work with clients online on a one-to-one basis delivering Transformational Life Coaching programmes; I publish content-rich personal development and mindfulness material on social media; I have written over 20 personal development BLOGS ;  I annually run Group Life Coaching Programmes and Retreats in Hertfordshire,  AND I have started delivering Corporate Life Coaching Packages to small-medium sized businesses as part of their Staff Wellbeing Packages.


I feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to work with some amazing souls, and I am humbled by those who allow me to guide and support them on their personal journeys. Do you feel the call to change...are you ready to go on a transformation journey?". 


- Nichola - 


My Coaching Credentials

Psychology BSc – University College London

Social Work MA – Middlesex University

Enabling Others & Practice Teaching Diploma – Middlesex University

Mindfulness Teacher Training Certification – Mindfulness Now

Life Coaching Certification – NLP Coaching Company

Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification – NLP Coaching Company

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Certification – NLP Coaching Company

Emotional Freedom Technique Certification – NLP Coaching Company





Nichola Pyrkos Qualified Life Coach
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If you have any questions or you would like to find out more about the services I offer, I would love to hear from you!

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